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About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Psychology at Georgia Tech. I received my Ph.D. in Industrial & System Engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. I direct the Hybrid Intelligence Lab (HI lab), where we study the interaction of human and machine intelligence. Specifically, we understand, predict, and shape human-AI communication, social cooperation , and long-term coevolution in safety-critical environments.
I am actively looking for Ph.D. students, master, and undergraduate researchers. Learn more.

I aim to measure and manage trust in the human-AI conversation using the explainable machine learning models.

I adopt experimental design, game theory, and cognitive modeling, and simulation approaches to study goal alignment process in the human-AI cooperation.

I applied novel approaches, such as trajectory epistemic network analysis, to model the temporal aspects of trust dynamics in long-term human-AI symbiosis.
What's beyond safety? Workshop on promoting well-being for mobility users in future hybrid societies
2024S Mehrotra, M Li, K AkashTrust is Contagious: Social Influences in Human-Human-AI Team
2024E Rojas, M LiIt’s Not Only What You Say, But Also How You Say It: Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Trust from Conversation
2024M Li, IM Erickson, EV Cross, J LeeModeling Trust Dimensions and Dynamics in Human-Agent Conversation: A Trajectory Epistemic Network Analysis Approach
2024M Li, AV Kamaraj, J LeeMeasuring trust: A text analysis approach to compare, contrast, and select trust questionnaires
2023A Alsaid, M Li, EK Chiou, J LeeYou cooperate, i reciprocate: Well-being and trust in automated vehicles
2023M Li, S Mehrotra, K Akash, T Misu, JD LeeExplaining Trust Divergence: Bifurcations in a Dynamic System
2023M Li, SI Noejovich, EV Cross, JD LeeTossing Your Tylenol: Supporting Sustainable Behavior in Medication Disposal Through Label Design
2023V Renata, J Parker, S Loganathar, AV Kamaraj, M LiDrivers’ Glance Behavior During Driver-Initiated Overrides of Level 2 Driving Automation: A Comparison Between Intentional and Unintentional Overrides
2023J Lee, AV Kamaraj, M Li, J Domeyer, H Toyoda, JD LeeMeasure and Manage Trust in Human-AI Conversations
2023M LiModeling Goal Alignment in Human-AI Teaming: A Dynamic Game Theory Approach
2022M Li, JD LeeEstimating Trust in Conversational Agent with Lexical and Acoustic Features
2022M Li, IM Erickson, EV Cross, JD LeeA Data Analytics Approach to Persona Development for the Future Mobile Office
2021AV Kamaraj, A Katrahmani, M Li, JD LeeDefining a design space of the auto-mobile office: a computational abstraction hierarchy analysis
2021M Li, A Katrahmani, AV Kamaraj, JD LeeTowards a Conversational Measure of Trust
2020M Li, A Alsaid, SI Noejovich, EV Cross, JD LeeTrust in Voice: A Three-Level Conversational Analysis to Measure Trust in Virtual Assistants
2020JD Lee, M LiNo risk no trust: Investigating perceived risk in highly automated driving
2019M Li, BE Holthausen, RE Stuck, BN WalkerInvited Editorial: Professors' Research Expectations for Admission to Psychology Graduate Programs.
2019JL Hughes, M Li, ER McDonnell, EV Engsberg, CS Goss